The Sah method™

The SAH (Somatic Activated Healing) Method™, created by Sah D’Simone, is a revolutionary wellness practice combining the healing modalities of somatic movement, rhythmic breath, mantras, ecstatic dance, and meditation.

The SAH Method™ utilizes a bottom-up approach, in which the body is the entry point for healing. It addresses the emotional baggage in our bodies, rather than the specific thoughts or memories connected to them in our minds.

We all experience trauma to an extent, it is a fact of life, and healing from it is our responsibility. But, trauma isn’t about the events that happened. It’s about the feelings lingering within you as a result of your traumas, no matter how large or small.

Big feelings, when left unprocessed in the body, lead to big stories in the mind. This cycle keeps us attached to past experiences, unable to release and recover. It also inhibits our ability to be present and create a meaningful life. This is what keeps us stuck in suffering.

Our painful memories have hardwired feelings attached to them. Traditional therapeutic healing methods use a top-down approach, in which the mind is the entry point to resolve our past and the feelings associated with it. However, this often requires mentally revisiting traumatic or painful experiences.

In the SAH Method™, you’ll learn to, “drop the story and be with the feeling.” Offering a safe space and guidance for you to call forth, process, and release stored emotions from your body without re-engaging with the narrative or memory associated with those feelings.

After a traumatic or painful experience, many of us become masters of escaping the present moment (where our bodies live). So fearful of feeling that we’ll do anything to distract from it. We disassociate, multitask, or numb ourselves to try and escape from unpleasant feelings.

When unprocessed emotional baggage builds up in our bodies, we become stuck in survival mode, which can manifest in us in a variety of ways, including: confusion, paranoia, outbursts, mysterious physical pains, gut issues, a sense of nothing ever being enough, feeling broken, sickness, triggered by peace, fearful about the future, worried about the past, addictive behaviors, cravings, negativity bias, the need for control, and the list goes on…

All of our personal chaos stems from our inability to be with the uncomfortable feelings in the body.

Our chaos then bleeds into the world around us, spreading like contagion. Through the SAH Method™, you’ll master the art of being in your body. True healing is a miracle that only happens when we are embodied. Which leads to removing the emotional charge of the story, and you strip the traumatic memories of their power and transfer that power back to you!


  • In Somatic Activated Healing™, the somatic moves help you tap into your emotional baggage and process your feelings with intention. The breathwork, brings you back into your body, roots you in the present, and gives you the energy and inspiration to do the work. The meditations gives you the concentration to be in your body, improve the relationship with your mind, and engage with your feelings instead of the stories. The mantras help you reinforce a powerful new inner vocabulary and mindset.

  • Engaging in a SAH Method™ class is not about your skillset. The purpose is to connect to the body and release stored emotions in the body through somatic movement. Most of the class is structured and guided by the Movement Healer with specific breathing techniques and somatic moves. There are only short periods of time when you engage in ecstatic dance which is where you freely your body in the way it wants to move. The more unhinged or awkward your dancing is, the better!

  • SAH Method™ classes are highly adaptable. Throughout each class, your Movement Healer will offer variations for movements, but please let your Movement Healer know of any specific restrictions you have and they can make further accommodations. Somatic Activated Healing™ is for all bodies! You also have full authority over your body, if something feels off and you need to move differently, listen to the body.

    • Wear clothes that provide you the opportunity to freely move your body and that have you feel secure and comfortable enough to engage in dramatic/fast pace movements.

    • Try to avoid coming to class with a very full stomach. It is recommended to eat your bigger meals of the day after a class.

    • Make sure to have water with you!



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