Leap of Faith

Move through energetic blocks, surrender to the unknown, and JUMP!

“You are what you do, not what you say you’ll do.”

— Carl Jung

What’s in the Leap of faith bundle?

  • 40 minute discussion breaking down the energetics behind a leap of faith and following divine guidance.

  • 5 Somatic Activated Healing™ practices to help you trust the process, move through energetic blocks, embody the art of surrender, and gain the courage to take action!

  • Bonus lessons on speaking your truth and choosing alignment even when it feels terrifying.

  • FREE access to all upgrades as this bundle continues to evolve.

“Choose your hard. It’s hard to leap. It’s hard to stay. But one choice leads to liberation while the other leads to suffering.”

— Kelsey Morgan


  • Somatic Activated Healing™ is a sacred practice that brings you back into the body through somatic movement, rhythmic breath, ecstatic dance, mantras, and meditation. The principle of Somatic Activated Healing™ is to drop the story and be with the feeling. Showing you how to get out of the mind when addressing your emotions. The SAH Method™ is specifically curated to tap into the nervous system, providing you the opportunity of releasing stored feelings, energy, and emotions within your entire being. As you begin to embody the understanding that healing comes from feeling, this is how you can free yourself from the imprisonment of internal suffering, and live life now for all that it is!

  • The somatic moves help you tap into your emotional baggage and process your feelings with intention. The breathwork, brings you back into your body, roots you in the present, and gives you the energy and inspiration to do the work. The meditations give you the concentration to be in your body, improve the relationship with your mind, and engage with your feelings instead of the stories. The mantras help you reinforce a powerful new inner vocabulary and mindset.

  • Yes! All content is pre-recorded for you to complete on your own time. This is designed for you to return to anytime you are needing to move through fear, surrender to the unknown, land back in courage, or when you’re needing to ground yourself after you have taken the leap!

  • Engaging in a SAH Method™ class is not about your skillset. The purpose is to connect to the body and release stored emotions in the body through somatic movement. Most of the class is structured and guided by the practitioner with specific breathing techniques and somatic moves. There are only short periods of time when you engage in ecstatic dance which is where you freely your body in the way it wants to move. The more unhinged or awkward your dancing is, the better!

  • Somatic Activated Healing™ is for all bodies! SAH Method™ classes are highly adaptable. There are various types of classes to accommodate for differing energy levels, and all moves can be completed sitting or laying down if needed. If there is limited arm mobility, it is okay for moves to be completed with one arm or with small range of motion, what is most important here is the intention! You also have full authority over your body, if something feels off, you need to move differently, or make your own accommodations, listen to the body.