Somatic Movement
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If you know you need support in moving beyond intellectualizing your problems, want to learn how to connect to the body, and feel your feelings to free yourself from internal suffering, these somatic classes are FOR YOU!
These classes are structured to guide you through facing and feeling unpleasant emotions along with embodying pleasant emotions. Each class has a different energetic theme, focuses on specific feelings, and takes you through various somatic moves to work through suppressed emotions that have been stuck in the body.
What is Somatic Activated Healing™
The SAH (Somatic Activated Healing) Method™ is a wellness practice combining the healing modalities of somatic movement, rhythmic breath, mantras, ecstatic dance (freely moving your body), and meditation. Somatic Activated Healing™ teaches you how to connect to the body, be with pleasant and unpleasant feelings, regulate your emotions, move through triggers, let go of pain from the past, and ground yourself in the present moment. This is done by utilizing a bottom-up approach, in which the body is the entry point for healing. It addresses the emotions stuck in your body, rather than the specific thoughts or memories connected to them in your mind.
How does this work though? The somatic moves help you tap into the suppressed feelings and process your emotions with intention. The breathwork, brings you back into your body, roots you in the present moment, and gives you the energy and inspiration to do the work. The meditations gives you the concentration to be in your body, improve the relationship with your mind, and engage with your feelings instead of the stories. The mantras help you reinforce a powerful new inner vocabulary and mindset.
By practicing Somatic Activated Healing™ regularly you can expect to:
Learn how to face yourself.
Reconnect to the body.
Build resilience.
Develop deeper self-awareness.
Discover nervous system regulation skills.
Expand your capacity to be with discomfort.
Practice letting go of emotional baggage.
Feel your feelings.
Experience transformation.
Put yourself on the path towards soul liberation.
This is a great way to establish a healing practice!
Why is somatic movement an important piece of the puzzle in helping you to become free?

Say, “YES”, to liberation!
Somatic Courses and Class Replays
Somatic Class Replays
For $23 a month you get access to 4 somatic class replays! Classes will change each month to support you through different energetic themes. This is a subscription based product that you can cancel or renew at anytime.
$250 Leap of faith
This course will somatically support you within the phases of life when your soul is asking you to take a leap of faith! There are 28 classes structured into three energetic themes to help you move through the art of surrender, alchemizing anger, and grounding.
Intro to somatics
Coming soon!! If you are brand new to somatic movement, feeling your feelings, and wanting to learn how to re-connect to the body, this course is for you! This will build the foundation you need, especially if taking a somatic class has felt too intimidating.
sign up for the waitlist here to be the first to know when the course launches
You do not have to have any experience with dance, movement, or even identify as someone who likes to dance to do these classes. The purpose of somatic movement is to learn how to connect to your body, be okay with feeling all emotions, and reduce suppression. This is about expression vs skill. You’re not trying to perform, choreograph, or look cute as you move. The more awkward or unhinged your dancing is, the better!
All classes have a specific structure to guide you in healing through various somatic moves and breathing techniques. There are only short periods of time within the classes where you would engage in freely moving your body.
The specific movements with breath will teach you essential tools to connect to the body, regulate your emotions, help you move through triggers, and ground yourself in the present moment.
Somatic movement has become quite popular now because the western world is finally understanding that the body does in fact keep the score and when emotional turmoil is suppressed long enough it can turn into disease. Somatic movement has the potential to interrupt this pattern and repair the internal harm caused from suppressing emotions.
Big feelings, when left unprocessed in the body, lead to big stories in the mind. This cycle keeps us attached to past experiences, unable to release and recover. It also inhibits our ability to be present and create a meaningful life. This is what keeps us stuck in suffering. Somatic movement helps us process those big feelings in the body one step at a time to break out of our own internal prisons.
Yes. This is for you to build your own liberation practice. Pick whichever course(s) call to you, learn at your own pace, practice however often you’d like, and you get lifetime access to all courses.
If you are in therapy or in a 1:1 mentorship these classes are a great addition to have as support in between your sessions!
You can still participate and reap the benefits of somatic movement regardless of your physical capabilities! This is for all bodies. There are many variations for movements, and remember, you also have full authority over your body. If something feels off and you need to move differently, listen to the body. And please consult with your medical provider before engaging in any somatic class.
For the recorded somatic classes, there are variations of low, medium, and high intensity, along with sitting and standing classes. If you are still curious as to whether or not your physical body would be able to handle it, please email kelsey.creatinglight@gmail.com
There are no refunds. If you click the banner at the top of this webpage you can try 2 somatic classes for free to see if my work resonates with you before committing to any courses or the Lifetime Liberation Library.